Edie Bresler

These are room sized constructions built with found objects I scavenged from the streets of New York City. I layered the objects strategically in front of the camera lens, and painted the floor, walls and window panes. Everything was constructed to be made visible with the lens of my 4x5 camera and was recorded on a single sheet of film. No Photoshop or other post production techniques were used.

I was interested to see how far I could push the image beyond the idea of faithful reproduction. In other words what happens when what the camera records is overtaken by what the mind suggests? I was also relying on the extreme depth of focus made possible by a small lens opening. This renders everything from 10 inches to infinity to be recorded with extreme sharpness. 

Making these photographs was akin to walking into a daydream or alternate universe. I learned to trust my instincts, listen to opposition less and champion the discarded, overlooked objects retrieved from the streets.


Using Format